Never run out of anything again.

Arda joins the physical and digital worlds with QR-code-powered order cards that automatically trigger orders and help you never run out of anything again while spending 90% less time managing your supplies.

Spend your time doing what you do best.

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Physical cards for physical goods.

Digital automation for everything else.

Arda runs on QR-code-powered, physical Order Cards that let you know when supplies are running low. Scanning the code triggers effortless reorders with the click of a button.

Arda customers spend 90% less time managing supplies. What could your business do with all that time back?

Create & Print Order Cards

Arda lets you create and print QR-code-powered order cards for each of your supplies within minutes. These cards signal when it's time to order and have all the info you need to restock.

Know When To Reorder

Place your order cards with your supplies such that the position of the card visually indicates that you've reached your minimum stock and a resupply is necessary

Automated Ordering

Scan the QR code on the card and place orders with the click of a button. Arda allows you to effortlessly issue POs, place online orders, or even automatically generate emails to your suppliers.

Get through hours of ordering in just 5 minutes.

Rave Review!

"With Arda we found the perfect fit for our inventory management.

We had seriously pursued other management software but found they were either too comprehensive for our small company or too big of an investment to implement.

Arda provided a system that was simple to implement and easy to get our team to follow.

With over 400 parts and 40 different suppliers, this created significant time savings."

-Kyle Fishburn, Founder - Nook Vans

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Check out our demo site!

Click through a live version of the product with example items to get a sense for the product's look and feel!

Get a feel for Arda by trying out the demo site!